
essay brainstorm


In the essay “Words” by Sara Yamasaki, Sara goes through multiple hardships in regards to her culture and how she looks. These include her eyes, the food she eats, and the past she wasn’t even a part of. However, throughout this struggle Sara learns that most people just don’t understand and aren’t willing to accept difference. This in many ways mirrors how I grew up and the way I acted towards similar adversities.

body 1-

Shes constantly made fun of for her eyes

Kids would stretch their eyes to be slanted

They would say I blended in snow

compared me to loose leaf


body 2-

The food she ate was attacked

her daughter made fun of for rice balls

It was assumed I only eat burgers “American Food”

Assumed I couldn’t eat spicy foods


body 3-

Constantly asked wheres she from

told go back where you came from

I was called Gringo or blancito

people just called me white not realizing I’m from places too



restate thesis and tie in ideas to close out essay regarding ignorance and how I overcame my problems.

Online Class Assignments

  • I enjoyed reading Mother Tongue by Amy Tan because her view on how everyone speaks a different english is something that I have felt a lot myself. I feel that everyone and particular groups such as family and friend clicks have different slangs. Just like where she explained how she speaks different with her mom and how her husband had caught on to the way she spoke.
  • I would enjoy writing about Mother Tongue by Amy Tan because I relate to how she felt towards everyone’s english is different and unique.
  • Expressive, Unique, Language, Feelings, meaningful

Humans of NY Post

“I’m from New York City, Jackson Heights to be exact. A place where you are completely surrounded by such a diverse community. Multiple nationalities come together in one neighborhood, allowing it to feel as if you’re in a entirely different area by walking a couple blocks. However, growing up here wasn’t the easiest the neighborhood wasn’t the best and had some kinks. Robberies, stabbings, shootings, and so much more confined within a couple mile radius. I know it happens in other area as well but, I guess it feels like all the time when you’re close. Instead of getting into anything bad I started skateboarding, it has been my passion ever since. It saved me and then started to connect me with a ton of people that I would have never meant if I never got on those four wheels. The skatepark became my home and my friends became family, it was the first thing I saw myself getting progressively better and makes me want to keep on going. It was always just for fun and still is, I know I can continue to skate and stay out of trouble in the small city Jackson Heights.”

(Reinhardt, Chase)

“Words” by Sara Yamasaki response

Like Sara growing up as a Japanese American in a rough town where everyone knew each other and were racist, I went to a high school that wasn’t only a high school. It was also a middle school, elementary school, and pre-k. This was The Renaissance Charter School where each graduating class was approximately fifty or so kids and you went a day without seeing a familiar face. In addition to this I was one of the only white kids in my school. It allowed me to relate with Sara. However, unlike Sara being somewhat uncomfortable, I was excited to then go to a big school compared to my old one. However I realized the people making unif me were just ignorant just as Sara thought in the essay.